Table of Contents Hide
Comprehensive Guide for New Players
Pity System
Pure GranJewel Shop
Core Potential Interface
How Soul Mastery Works?
Damage Formula
Characters to Build for Each Chapter
First Free Multi Pull
Comprehensive Guide for New Players
By End.
Pity System
(1) Normal Pity System:
Basically this normal pity is to fully increase the Pity Bar and you are guaranteed to get a Weapon/Artifact depending on your Banner that you chose.
(2) Rate-Up and Featured Pity System:
This Pity System only exist on Rate-Up Banner of Featured Banner.
As for Featured Banner, the pity worked the same like Rate-Up but it has another Step, so if you hit Pity for the second time you are Allowed to choose ANY Weapon/Artifact that you want, including the Featured unit
(3) Pity via Pure GranJewel:
Everytime you Pulls in either Moonstone or Weapon or Artifact Gacha, every single pull, whether it’s with Diamond or Free Currencies, 1 pull will give you 3x Pure Gran Jewel.
This Pure Gran Jewel can be exchanged with SSR Weapon that you can chose!
Cool right? This new feature allowed you to get Weapon dupe easier.
But wait, there’s a catch, you can only buy Weapons dupe that you already have, so you need to have first copy, before you can buy it in Pure GranJewel Shop.
Also some rules applied that, Ancient and Angel Weapons are not available currently on the Shop (maybe in the future).
And another rule, the more you buy, the price will also increase.
- 1st Copy cost: 250 Pure GranJewel
- 2nd Copy cost: 300 Pure GranJewel
- 3rd Copy cost: 375 Pure GranJewel
- 4th Copy cost: 500 Pure GranJewel
- 5th Copy cost: 750 Pure GranJewel
1 Copy means 25x Buy Fragment which contain 4x Fragment of that weapon, so you need 100 Fragment.
Pure GranJewel Shop
The more you buy the price increased, my tips is get 2 Copy of dupe before buy in this shop so you can get another dupe for more efficiency.
Note: JP and Global wont have Pure Gran Jewel Feature.
Core Potential Interface
Currently in JP there’s only 6 Tier of Core that you can upgrade each of color have its own kind of stat bonus. And as the game progresses, you can unlock all Core eventually.
- Red: Contain Offensive Statuses [Attack, Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Boss Attack, Penetration, Accuracy, Compatibility Damage, Crit. Damage]
- Blue: Contain Defensive Statuses [Defense, Crit. Resist, Attack Offset, Block Rate]
- Green: Contain only Max HP status
- Yellow: Contain Auxiliary Statuses [Agility, Block Damage Reduce, Max MP]
- Orange: Gear Related Core
- Purple: Skill Related Core
- White: Core Bonus that can give you something
- Gold Colored core is a core that need GranJewel to upgrade.
- Yellow Circled Core is Bonus Core, the one on Top give a Free SSR Weapon, the one on bottom Left give Free SR Elemental Artifact, bottom Right give Free SR Weapon.
- Red Circled Core is Special, because not only you will need GranJewel and a lot of monster core, you will also need 15pcs Proof of Valor, that you can farm daily on Knight’s Training Camp or by dismantling SSR Weapon and buy Proof of Valor on GranJewel Shop (1x Purple GranJewel = 15x Proof of Valor)
- Orange with Code E: is for Unlocking Earring Slot.
- Orange with Code B: is for Unlocking Belt Slot.
- Orange with Code R: is for Unlocking Ring Slot.
- Orange with Code W4: is for Unlocking 4th Weapon Slot.
- Orange with Code A3: is for Unlocking 3rd Artifact Slot.
- Orange with Code A4: is for Unlocking 4th Artifact Slot.
- Purple with Code D: is for Unlocking/Upgrade Dash Skill.
- Purple with Code J: is for Unlocking/Upgrade Unique Skill.
- Purple with Code N: is for Unlocking/Upgrade Normal Attack.
- Purple with Code P: is for Unlocking/Upgrade Character Passive.
How Soul Mastery Works?
Soul Mastery only worked for SR and SSR Weapon, upon clicking any of the character that available you can see the Progress of every Weapon, the progress will be recorded even if you DISMANTLE the weapon already, and for the Weapons that you dont or never own yet, you can’t see the progress
The Points recorded as listed is:
- Unlock / Have the Weapon : 480pts
- Limit Break + Level Up : 180pts
- Transcend : 540pts
With the Transcending weapon granting the Highest Score, means you will need a lot of Weapon Dupe for that.
And For each SSR Weapon the total score is 1200 and SR is 400.

Damage Formula
GranSaga Damage Formula
[Final Damage] = ([Base Damage] + [Damage increase + Boss damage increase + Specific attribute damage increase + Skill/Normal Attack damage increase + Single/AoE damage increase] + [Compatibility damage increase] + [Critical Damage + Boss Critical Damage + Critical Damage against Specific Attributes]) * [Normal Attack/Skill Damage Multiplier] + Penetration/Pierce Bonus Damage
Base Damage Formula:
Where: (ATK – DEF) can’t be lower than 1.
(ATK * (1 - Ignore ATK - ATK Reduce) - ATK Offset + Boss ATK) - (DEF * (1 - DEF Reduce - Ignore DEF))
Characters to Build for Each Chapter
- Chapters 1-3: Any.
- Chapter 4: Wyin – Nama – Seriad.
- Chapter 5: Wyin / Las – Kyui – Seriad.
- Chapter 6: Nama – Kyui – Seriad.
- Chapter 7: (This chapter tbh need all character).
First Free Multi Pull
GranSaga are generous enough to give a first Multi Pull that guaranteed SSR, looking back at previous section. You might want to get those GWs. Now there is a trick to that. After finishing tutorial and enter the town, dont click next mission, that mission will lead to your free pull.
Why dont immediately proceed? There is a hidden trick to this, so, this free pull will only Limit the SSR Gacha Pool to the character that you bring only, so if you bring Las, Seriad and Kyui, only those 3 characters SSRs will have the chance appearing, other 3 starter character wont. So the gacha chance is 8,3% for each of 4 of those three character to appear.
First Multi Pull NPC “Eve” Location:
Do(s) and Don’t(s).
- Join guild soon after its unlocked, so you can do Daily Guild Achievement and buy tickets and fruits from Guild Shop.
- After Starting the game try rush and Unlock Chapter 4 as soon as possible to Unlock Arena / PvP, Climbing Arena early will give you big Advantage as it give massive First time Diamond you reach a certain rank.
- Save up AP Scroll , because you will need a lot of it when a Story Event or Seasonal Event kicks in.
- Try to fight any Story Bosses first even if though Recommended CP shown is too high, because usually the Boss isn’t as strong as the displayed CP.
Useful Info & Tips
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Click to enlarge…

- Gacha Menu – You can access this everywhere. Not that important to.
- Daily Quest – Also can be accessed anywhere.
- Mount Shop – Can be accessed anywhere.
- Crafting Shop – Can only be accessed via Town, you can Craft several things here like GranStone, Armors, Accessories and Moonstone, but I advise avoid this until later game where.
- Potion Shop – You can buy potion anywhere via Mall Shop but, Potions here usually discounted but have limited amount, also can craft potion.
- Neneto Shop – This is important to clear out everyday. Buy out all Soul Stones, Upgrade Mats that have low price, you can buy accessory fragment too but the effect is lower than dungeon one. Just dont forget to max refresh this everyday.
- Friendship Shop – Earlier I mention about Friendship Point, you can exchange those points here. And the NPC also place for Arena Shop so, your Arena currency can be spent here to buy Arena Costumes, some Limited Artifact and accessory.
- GW = GranWeapon.
- AF = Artifact.
- Acc = Accesory.
- Fruit = Holy Tree Fruit (Gacha Currency).
- GJ = Gran Jewel.
- GB = Guild Boss.
- GvG = Guild vs Guild Battle.
- WB = World Boss.
- Core = Core Potential.
- CP = Core Point / Combat Power (depend on the context).
- AP = Activity Point.
- Tix = Dungeon Tickets.
- KQ = Kingdom Quest.
- T0-T5 = Transcend Grade for GW and AF / Armor Tier (depend on the context).
- LB = Limit Break.
- Dia = Diamond currency.
- AR = Account Rank (refer to account Level).
- EQ DG = Refer to Subjugation Dungeon.
- Gold DG = Refer to Annihilation Dungeon.
- Abyss = Refer to Abyss Corridor Dungeon.
- Library = Refer to Infinite Library Dungeon.
- PvP = Refer to Arena PvP.
- Training = Refer to Knight Training Dungeon.
- Gems = Refer to Moonstone to Slot at Necklace.